Hong Leong Financial Group Berhad
His directorships in other public companies include Malaysian Reinsurance Berhad and Takaful Ikhlas Berhad. The Company provides a range of services including commercial. 10 Things To Know About Hong Leong Financial Group Before You Invest Chief Executive Officer of Hong Leong Financial Group Berhad HLFG. Hong leong financial group berhad . Learn more about us Explore our businesses. Hong Leong Bank Amanah Finance Malaysia Berhad Alliance Merchant Bank Bhd RHB Bank Berhad and eventually was appointed as the CEO of MCIS Zurich Insurance Berhad before he retired in 2012. Entrepreneurship and management discipline to deliver growth. He was the Group Managing DirectorChief Executive Officer of HLB from 1 July 2013 to 4 February 2016. It is a well-established and respected Malaysian brand offering financial planning and protection solutions to meet the various needs of Malaysians at different cycles of their lives. Market Insider is a business news aggregator for traders and in...