Pacific Mutual Fund Berhad
Pacific Mutual Fund Bhd operates as an investment management firm. Mutual Fund Bhd was incorporated in 1995. Mutual Funds Pacific Life Change of company name. Pacific mutual fund berhad . The stake represented 70 of the total issued and paid-up share capital of PMF. Effective from 19 December 2020 all the Pacific Funds that were taken over by Phillip Mutual Berhad from BOS Wealth Management Malaysia Bhd are now known as Phillip Funds. As at 21 December 2020 PMB has 22 unit trust funds with asset under management of above RM58 billion. Jan 01 2016 PACIFIC TRUSTEES BERHAD is a company registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia and and is issued with the registration number 317001-A for its business operation. INVESTORS ARE ADVISED TO READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS OF THE PROSPECTUS. Thue False 29 nswered ut of 100 At the end of the fiscal year Pacific Mutual Fund Berhad releases an earnings report to dents. Pacific Mutual Fund Berhad di bandar Kota Kinabalu den...