Petronas Gas Berhad Kerteh Address
We are Malaysias leading gas infrastructure and centralised utilities company and one of the largest companies on the local bourse in terms of market capitalisation with core businesses in Gas Processing Gas Transportation LNG Regasification and Utilities. Address of Petronas Gas Berhad GPP3 - Kerteh submit your review or ask any question search nearby places on map. Gas Processing PETRONAS reserves the right to monitor investigate and record Users computing activities once heshe logs on to the PRBI system. Petronas gas berhad kerteh address . The Company is 6066 owned by PETRONAS while the remaining shares are held by others institutional investors and retail shareholders. Whats near Petronas Gas Berhad. Facebook rating 500 2 votes 42 like s. Address of Gas Processing Plant A Petronas Gas Berhad Kerteh Terengganu - Paka submit your review or ask any question search nearby places on map. Utilities GPU Division our utilities production serve customers across many industries...